Research Seminar


Dec 19, 2023

Research Seminar

KIMAP Research Seminar


Thursday, January 18th


I208 (Rokko-dai 1st Campus, Main Building 2F)


Dr. René Chester Goduscheit
(Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University)

Servitization and organizational resilience of manufacturing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


1:20 p.m.-2:50 p.m.


This seminar will introduce and discuss contemporary challenges and tendencies among manufacturing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. On the basis of two ongoing research projects in Denmark, the seminar will present servitization (product-oriented companies expanding their offerings with product-enabled services) and organizational resilience (the ability of companies to resist and even benefit from externally imposed changes) as trends within the research on manufacturing SMEs. The seminar will discuss both papers already published within servitization and organization resilience – and seek to identify potential avenues for future research within the research fields.

Responsible Innovation


3:10 p.m.-4:40 p.m.


The seminar will present and discuss the phenomenon of Responsible Innovation as a theoretical and empirical field. The point of departure is an extensive study of Danish manufacturing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises that are working with responsible/sustainable innovation as part of their strategy. The seminar will outline some of the conceptual frameworks, which describe both the enablers and barriers of responsible innovation. And the data from the Danish research project will seek to partly depict a critical perspective on the prior frameworks and partly present a potentially useable and useful theoretical scaffolding for future studies within the field.

Who Should Attend

Professors, graduate and undergraduate students of GSBA. Interested researchers and students from other schools and universities are welcome.


Please register at the URL below by Wednesday, January 17th.


Manabu Miyao (Professor, GSBA, Kobe University)

Yiting Weng (Assistant Professor, Kobe University)